PyDataBCN 2017

The PyDataBCN 2017 took place from May 19th to 21th at ESADE.


You can see all the photos and videos from the event.


This is the list of the slides talks and workshops you can find from the event:

  1. A Beginners Guide to Weather & Climate Data by Margriet Groenendijk
  2. An introduction to the tidyverse by Jorge Cimentada
  3. Analyzing code contributions to the CPython project using NetworkX and Matplotlib by Jordi Torrents
  4. Data science for lazy people... genetics will work for you! by Diego Hueltes
  5. DeepCare Chatbot - Generating answers to customers using a hybrid approach of Deep Learning and NLP by Pascal van Kooten
  6. Guillotina - An Async REST Resource DB to manage millions of objects by Ramon Navarro Bosch
  7. Happyness inside a job: a social network analysis by Guillem Duran Ballester
  8. Increasing the trading prediction by mining aggregated human texting messages by Yang Liu
  9. Introduction to data analysis with Pandas by Eduard Goma
  10. LympHOS2, Organizing and Sharing Biological Data of the Human Lymphocyte Proteome using Python by Óscar Gallardo Román
  11. Neuroscience Lab, a tour through the eyes of a pythonista by Javier Martínez Alcántara
  12. Prototyping Interactive Dashboards with Jupyter Notebooks: Examples from Network Engineering by Camilo Cardona
  13. Security for data scientists by David Arcos
  14. Social Network Analysis with Python and NetworkX by Jordi Torrents
  15. Squeeze (gently) your data by Francesc Alted
  16. TensorFlow Wide & Deep: Advanced Classification the easy way by Yufeng Guo
  17. Using network community clustering algorithms to aid determination of protein structures by Claudia Millán