Lightning talks (session 2) & Closing session & Kahoot
Room B5
Lightning talks
Creación de APIs con Python y manejo de datosDiego GiaquintaImplementación sencilla de APIs con Python, para poder realizar peticiones http e intercambio de información entre aplicaciones.
Step4ward: Empowering Women in TechSusana Vázquez y Coral OlivaresCome explore step4ward, a non-profit organization passionately crafted BY and FOR women. In just 5 minutes, learn how we're all about supporting women in the tech job market. We provide advice, build a community, and help with interview prep and early career steps. Let's break barriers and boost women in tech together!
Common Security Vulnerabilities for DevelopersDan NeciuBest practices for developers to protect themselves from scams and hacking attempts
Machine Learning for time-series analysis in the context of IoTRaziel AmadorIn this light talk, I would like to present my implementation of temperature and humidity monitoring using Iot (Raspberry Pi, DHT22 sensor, all in Docker services), and Machine learning for time series analysis.
How to support the Python open source ecosytemOriol AbrilI will showcase a wide array of ways for anyone to support the Python open source ecosystem, with a special focus on financial support. I won't have any special focus on special communities or libraries but will aim for a general overview: including open source contributions as part of one's job description, sponsoring events and/or libraries, donating to foundations that act as umbrella for the exisiting projects...
Tinymem: a game under 40 lines and under 30mmIsaac BernatWe'll go through tinymem, a working example of a game programmed in MicroPython which has menus, audio, sprites, text, button inputs... All this under 40 lines of code available for the Thumby hardware, which is a miniature Raspberry Pi Pico based console.